dimecres, 28 de gener del 2015

beyond the last page

What is there beyond the novels we read? This idea used to come to my mind whenever I read a book, therefore, this has been the driving question of my research paper. To find and answer to it, I've written my own text so that I could live the writing experience. 

My project starts by briefly defining the different genres of literature, focusing on the novel, the tale and the nouvelle. Once the different characteristics of each are set, you can find a comparison between them and an analysis of two tales from well known authors (Joseph Conrad's Karain, a memory and Ernest Hemingway's The killers) also comparing the style of this two masters. To finish this theoretical block, my own text is contextualized in the genres commented above.

The practical block consists on my own text, titled L'última pàgina (the last page), and an exhaustive analysis of how have i written it. In this analysis you can discover how the planning, writing and revision processes are. In addition, I developed a quick guide to start writing with some commandments and tips I considered useful.

Afterwards you can find the conclusions of the research (which are based on my experience, an interview to a reputed catalan author and the reading of both theoretical and literary books) and some attached documents, such as a log book that reflects down to the last detail the writing process, a deleted scene from my story and the first drafts I did to develop the plot of The last page.

Here you can find the presentation of Beyond the last page.