dijous, 21 de novembre del 2013

over a month at hairdresser's

A recent study on how much time women spend at the hairdresser's concluded thet the average British woman spends more than four hours per month, that means almost a month in a whole lifetime! A lot of the interviewed responded that they would like to spend even longer: "it is a relax, gossip moment" answered one of them. The researchers also concluded that it is very important for women to keep their hair looking good.

 I think it is incredible to dicover what an eternity we lose doing routine things during our life. In my case, i don't visit the hairdresser's very often, but I agree that it is important to feel comfortable with one's hair, so if some people need to "lose" a month to get happiness, I respect. I have to say that I also find it relaxing... but two hours? every week? No way!

You can look for the complete new here, it is quite interesting!

dimecres, 20 de novembre del 2013

The pig and the boars

Once upon a time, in the middle of the country, there was a lonely cottage surrounded by a big, dark forest. The owner was an old fat woman who could no longer look after her piggies. So the pigs were living on their own and had their own lives and stories…

All the piggies were very happy, except one; the little pig. He didn’t want to live in a farm, he wanted to live a wild life with the boars in the forest. He saw them every day running free around the farm. The little pig thought they were very cool so he wanted also to be like them. So one day he climbed the garden fence and escaped into the dark forest. After some minutes he began to hear strange noises, so he got terrified but fortunately he found the boars. Actually the noises came from the boars, who were laughing at the little pig, but he was so happy to have found them that he didn’t realize it. They asked him who he was and he said he was a pig. Then the boars felt over by laughing. The little pig couldn’t understand it. Then Lucibor, the leader, asked the little pig: -Why have you come here? The little pig said: -I’ve come here to be free like you. The boars laughed again. Then Lucibor said: OK, but if you want to join us you’ll have to pass under a ritual.

The little pig was a bit confused about the boars behaviour, but he was so amazed with them that agreed and asked: -what shall I do?- There was a short silence and the boars looked at each other with an evil looking. Then Luciboar began to speak: “look, you little dumb pig, there is just one thing you have to do: eat these purple mushrooms. The little pig thought they looked tasty, so he picked one and ate it. After a while, the trees started to swing, and those purple mushrooms began to talk!
He felt sick and worried, he walked without knowing where while the boars laughed about him. 
The boars went away leaving the poor little pig alone in the dark forest. when he thought everything was lost, the little pig saw an angel, a beautiful angel with white wings. She was speaking to him, but he couldn’t understand her; however, he followed the angel until they reached the edge of the forest. Once there he started feeling better and was able to understand a few words... "This is not your place, your family loves you", said the angel. 

The next morning he was back at the farm, he woke up feeling different: he knew how much he loved his brothers and the whole farm. 

dimarts, 19 de novembre del 2013


During these days I've learnt a lot of things with the oral presentations of our classmates. Perhaps the three things that impressed me the most were about foreign and far cultures. 

The first one is something I learnt of my own presentation while doing the research: how do the hindu people celebrate a funeral. Rahter than the funeral in sense, I liked all the "treatments" that they do to the deceassed, for example to wash the body with purified water or even milk.

I also liked to know that the "sweet sixteen", "la quinzeañera" or the "weekend party" are almost the same experienced in different ways. To end, I have to say that the african weddings look super funny and even better than ours.

All the presentations were really interesting and I enjoyed a lot getting to know new rites of passage around the world.

greed arrested them

Four suspects have been arrested because of their greedy behaviour.

Three adults and a youngster had stolen several cars and were under suspect by the police when they decided to go to a fast food place and order the hughest meal ever. To be even less discreet they paid with a stolen credit card (that they had found in one of the cars) and invited the person who was waiting behind them in the queue, then posted a photo of that massive amount of food on instagram.
It wasn't difficult for police to start researching on the fast food chain, and quickly found the reciept of that order (that the employees had kept by coincidence). Their "light" meal included more than ten burgers, two chicken, five sandwiches, six orders of fries... Bon apétit!

I think those burglars weren't really intelligent, and too greedy, that's what made them get caught. In my opinion police made a good job, and they shouldn't show mercy to thiefs, because although there are some cases when people has nothing else to do for eating, this burglars stole four cars and then spent a lot of money. And this is not necessity, this is kind of a "hobby" that makes some people lose a lot and the thiefs didn't have any objective further than stealing to steal.


dimecres, 13 de novembre del 2013

lighted ballons

I was having a look to Vogue magazine (For a school assesment, I'm not a frequent reader) when I found this fancy photo.

On the picture you can see a girl with a dolly-looking wearing an ankle-long dress standing on a field with red trees on the left and a curious tower on the right side. What makes the photo special are some lighted ballons spreaded around the landscape.

I know that what people would think is that what's fancy on the picture is the dress... But I'm not really interested on long pink clothes. Although I like fashion, I think that you have to know when to wear super fashion things and when not. For example, if you're going to college you can dress beautiful clothes, but you don't need to make wonders with your waredrove. Then, you can't appear in a wedding on your trainer's. You have to know when and where to wear each kind of clothes... and you don't need a lot of clothes to look always nice.

My advise (I'm not a fashion expert, so you may disagree) is to combine clothes you like, when you like and where you like with a bit of common sense to be fancy anywhere and dress properly. And to be true to your own style!

diumenge, 10 de novembre del 2013

unexpected trip

I woke up this morning thinking what could I do to do it better. I didn't really know what to do, so I ate breakfast calmly (this weekend I didn't have training nor races) and spoke with my parents. We have decided to go to Palamós to visit my grandparents and cousin, we've got dressed and then on the road to Palamos. At half way, we've seen the Montrgrí, a little mountain located in l'Empordà. We've looked at each other and no words were necessary to decide to climb it!

My sister had some assesments to do and stayed on the car, so we've thought... Why not? She has driven to the other side of the mountain and stayed in a bar. We had one and a half hour to walk up to the mountain and then down to the town for the other side! My grandma was waiting for us to arrive at two. 

It's been so exciting, the views were delightful and the sky had a special beautiful light. Once we've got on the top, where there's a castle standing, we've taken a look to the lamdscape and visitted the castle. Then we've got to run down the hill to arrive on time to granny's place. It's been an unexpected but really nice trip.

Next time we'll get dressed properly and with some more time (and a backpack with food and water) we'll try to climb it with the whole family!

dissabte, 9 de novembre del 2013

Sailing Mallorca

It was a normal wdnesday until the school bell rang. Then the day turned into the start of a new adventure... I was taking a ferry to Mallorca that night! 

I met in Blanes with some of my sailing team, there we took the trolleys with the boats and got on the road to Barcelona. At eleven thirty the ship was leaving straight to Mallorca. We arrived at half past six the next morning, very tired but excited, looking forward for the race we were going to compete in. We had to take the boats out of the trolley under the rising sun, with a freezing temperature. That day we had to pass the measuring test for the boats (an especialist cheks every part of your boat to ensure its legality) and formalize the inscriptions to the race: it was the Spanish championship!

The first day of race we were given two really uncommon things that made the race even more exciting: a bracelet that contained our information, to sign in before going to water and out afterwards. There was another update, a chip that followed our trajectory during the race.

The championship ended last Sunday, our results weren't very good but I was happy because I really had fun and met some new people. I would like to post this with a photo, but we have no good shots...

Simply clever, simply sexist

Skoda, the famous Czech car company, has been recently accused of sexism because of advertising!

The ad was about a man considering what to do with his wife: to keep her, to trade her for her younger sister or to give her back to daddy. It became a trendy topic on twitter when it appeared, with opinions against and for the commercial. Some bloggers have titled the ad as "Simply sexist", using the famous Skoda's slogan "simply clever".

I think it is just an innocent joke an although it isn't, perhaps, very appropriate, it is funny. It shouldn't have become a trendy topic for sexism: Remember that the company have also made the same version but with the girl choosing, just to avoid this debate!

You can look for the new in The Huffington post, what do you think about this commercial?

the adventure of socks...

Everyone has that lovely pair of socks, thin but warm enough, not too short nor too long and with the perfect color that fits with all clothes. You love these socks, but there's a problem: you always lose one of them! So, where is that poor sock?

You'll find one single sad sock, missing its pair and becoming useless for the rest of its life, because its couple is gone forever. Can you imagine how it feels? But worse is how would the lost sock feel. Lonely, abandoned and somewhere unknown in the washing machine.


I like to think that they start a new life with all the other lost socks, or even that they return home but in a relative's drawer. Then becoming evil and revenging you for losing them, making you think the sock you see is always the same but you actually have both socks hanging around your home laughing at your face because you think you've lost a sock!

Who knows what really happens? I do not, but this is a funny way to imagine what the hell are your disappeared socks doing... they can't be that far!

dimarts, 29 d’octubre del 2013

the butler

The butler is a drama film that was recently on cinemas. Directed by Lee Daniels, it is about Cecil Gaines' life, the White House's butler for more than thirty years. The film narrates the story of this loyal man, who's been at the service of five presidents. It starts with his difficult childhood and ends up... (I'm definitely not telling you!) in 2008.

I really liked this film, it makes you think about really important thinks such as racism and also history issues. The plot is very exciting indeed, and the scene selection is really well done. This film is so moving that you have to make your best trying not to cry, and also disturbing (then you have to hold your breath..).

My advise is to look for some information about the US history, and to ask yourself something: is racism still alive in our society? And of course... do not miss this great film about equality and human rights!

divendres, 18 d’octubre del 2013

ads, ads and more ads!

Have you ever found yourself changing TV channels non-stop and being able to watch two soaps at the time? I have, and it is terribly annoying. Maybe it is not the same in your country, but in Spain you have to keep patient if you want to follow a complete episode of any program.

At first, they allow you to watch a few minutes and get stuck to the plot. But when things really start to happen, they give you an extra dose of advertisements long enough to make you lose faith and change channel! What’s curious is that you will soon find an interesting program that’s just about to finish. OK, perhaps I’m not the luckiest guy watching TV and there may be someone who’s got all the ads and programs schedules under control. However, if they’re able to switch channel and watch soap after soap (I think if this person exists, it must be a lonely, and bored, old person who spends the day sewing and swallowing Latin series) it is because there’s time enough of breaks to combine two programs in an afternoon.

Though I have to say that there are some really funny commercials, that worth it. Such as some moving and even disturbing ones… so you can comfort yourself thinking that there’s someone who does well his job behind this amount of advertisements. 

These are two commercials I really like, the second one is in spanish but it is maybe better not to understand what it says because it is disturbing... hope you enjoy them! 

dimecres, 9 d’octubre del 2013

phone addiction

Imagine you're walking in the street, or staring on the underground... What would you see? I'm sure: a lot of people writing on their mobile, playing on their iPhone or scrolling their BB's central ball. Now, think of this images a few years ago, people would be reading, talking to each other or just staring... Our lifestyle has changed, or better said, something has changed in our lives: mobile phones!

A mobile phone is so practical when you need to talk to someone who's not with you at this time, or even to search for information you are really interested on. But somehow we've turned this useful device to an addiction. And that's what I'm worried about.

In my opinion, we should give more attention to real life and leave our virtual side for those boring moments you really don't know what to do. The first reason is that I find very annoying -and rude- when talking to someone he suddenly takes his mobile phone and starts laughing to a shiny screen (am I that boring?). There's more; you quickly get used to the "easy-writing" of virtual chats, a writing that actually has plenty of mistakes and absurd words such as wrong abbreviations. And the final one, related with the first, is a reason and also a fact: There's a lot of people very kind and confident on chats, but when you meet them you realize they're not that nice nor that chatty, because they're occupied talking on their phones to people they will meet later to show them how fast they type on their phone sending messages to you... (Absurd, right?)  

In conclusion, we use too much our mobiles and pay not enough attention to what's happening around us, and this way... we'll waist our lifetime.

To end up, try something: leave your mobile phone in your pocket, bag or wherever you carry it, and use it only when you strictly need it (difficult, isn't it?)... 

dissabte, 5 d’octubre del 2013

Protest song

Macklemore's "wings" is a very inspiring song that criticises our consumer society and tells the story of a little boy obsessed with nike shoes... Do you think they worth it?

I was seven years old, when I got my first pairAnd I stepped outside
And I was like, momma, this air bubble right here, it's gonna make me fly
I hit that court, and when I jumped, I jumped, I swear I got so highI touched the net, momma I touched the net, this is the best day of my lifeAir Max's were next,
That air bubble, that mesh
The box, the smell, the stuffin', the tread, in school
I was so cool
I knew that I couldn't crease 'em
My friends couldn't afford 'em
Four stripes on their Adidas
On the court I wasn't the best, but my kicks were like the pros
Yo, I stick out my tongue so everyone could see that logo
Nike Air Flight, but bad was so dope
And then my friend Carlos' brother got murdered for his Fours*, whoa
See he just wanted a jump shot, but they wanted to start a cult though
Didn't wanna get caught, from Genesee Park to Othello
You could clown for those Pro Wings, with the VelcroThose were not tightI was trying to fly without leaving the ground,Cause I wanted to be like Mike, right
Wanted to be him, I wanted to be that guy, I wanted to touch the rim
I wanted to be cool, and I wanted to fit in,
I wanted what he had, America, it begins
I want to fly
Can you take me far awayGive me a star to reach forTell me what it takesAnd I'll go so high
I'll go so high
My feet won't touch the ground
Stitch my wings
And pull the strings
I bought these dreams
That all fall down
We want what we can't have, commodity makes us want it
So expensive, damn, I just got to flaunt it
Got to show 'em, so exclusive, this that new shitA hundred dollars for a pair of shoes I would never hoop inLook at me, look at me, I'm a cool kidI'm an individual, yea, but I'm part of a movement
My movement told me be a consumer and I consumed it
They told me to just do it, I listened to what that swoosh said
Look at what that swoosh did
See it consumed my thoughts
Are you stupid, don't crease 'em, just leave 'em in that box
Strangled by these laces, laces I can barely talk
That's my air bubble and I'm lost, if it pops
We are what we wear, we wear what we are
But see I look inside the mirror and think Phil Knight tricked us all
Will I stand for change, or stay in my box
These Nikes help me define me, but I'm trying to take mine, off
I want to fly
Can you take me far awayGive me a star to reach forTell me what it takesAnd I'll go so high
I'll go so high
My feet won't touch the ground
Stitch my wings
And pull the strings
I bought these dreams
That all fall down
It started out, with what I wear to school
That first day, like these are what make you cool
And this pair, this would be my parachuteSo much more than just a pair of shoesNah, this is what I amWhat I wore, this is the source of my youth
This dream that they sold to you
For a hundred dollars and some change
Consumption is in the veins
And now I see it's just another pair of shoes
[...] I first liked this song because how it sounded, but I soon looked for the lyrics and started loving it. It talks about something really important in our society, we are all obsessed on fashion and we often fall in that awful topic: "you worth what you have", and this is quite worrying. But we can change it. It is as easy as love people just because who they are and pay more attention to personality and less to clothes. I also understand, however, that some people like fashion (I actually do) but... you can make your own style without falling into consume's sharp. So... we could try to leave our consumer side in "that" box.

Introducing myself...

I'm Miquel Sarquella, from 1st bat B. I'm sixteen years old and I live in st.Pere Pescador. However, I was born in Palamós because my family used to live there, until I was two that my parents decided to move out because of their job. Now they own two sailing schools, one in st.Pere and the other in Empuriabrava; as a result I also sail. I compete in races on a dinghy called 420. I really enjoy the competitions but what we actually do the most is training... Almost every weekend I go to Blanes (where my club is located) and practice about four hours a day, I have to wake up very early to arrive on time, but it's OK. When I'm not sailing I do some other sports, such as windsurfing or paddle-surfing, but during the week I don't have much time 'cause obviously I have to go to school...

A lot of people don't like school, but I do. I have fun learning new things and I do think that it is very important to posses a lot of knowledge. Although my best skills are maths and physics, I also enjoy learning languages, that's why apart from learning english at school I go once a week to German classes. At first it was very difficult and everyone told me that I would drop the academy as soon as I started with grammar, but after some months of hard work it has become something really interesting and now I'm able to speak a little of german (at least I was before summer..!). I think that speaking some languages will help me to find a job in a future, by the moment I want to study architecture but... Who guess if I may change my mind and need to speak a foreign language?

dimarts, 24 de setembre del 2013

Wind, water, life.

Who says that summer has come to an end? 

I know that it is autum since the 21st of September, but we still have good weather to enjoy and make the most of our time going to the beach, outdoors and... Of course do some sport! Those who have read older posts on this blog may know that I love watersports and, as you can imagine, today I've been kiting in st.Pere.

September is one of the best months to kite because it is still hot, the water is warm and there's no people on the beach... The beach? Yes I could go to the beach, but what if there's a magnific river with flat water and wide enough to kite?! Obviously I've kited on the river and it was fantastic, and to do it even better, a friend of mine has lent me his surfboard. It is kind of a surfing board but with different finns and grip instead of wax, it is super funny... Can you figure out the wipeouts kiting without straps? Hehe... At first it was quite difficult but after some practice I've succeeded to jibe and surf some waves (I've also been to the sea kiting to avoid crashing my kite before knowing how to manage with the surfboard).

Something I do love from this spot is the calm you breathe there, the sights are very beautiful and there are a lot of birds around. The river flows pacificaly and the trees and the waves create a very special relaxing feeling. When you are there you lose the sense of time and... It has its cons! Because of that I arrived at home about half past seven and I had to do my homework a bit late:(

In conclusion, this afternoon has been great: I've kited on the river, I've learnt some tricks and I've taken force to continue the week!

On the photo you can see part of the river (not the wide one) and the sea with a nice boat on the front during a beautiful sunset.

dimecres, 19 de juny del 2013

bye bye ESO

Well... what can I say? ESO's gone so fast that I just can't believe it. We have lived so many different moments!

I remember my first day in the centre, when we arrived and we didn't know anything about our new class, the INS... they put us in a queue and just like the Harry Potter's selection ceremony with the hat, they shouted our names saying who was in each class. It seems like yesterday!

Now, four years have passed and we're just two days far from the end. Well, not exactly "the end", just a good bye for three months, but this good bye means a lot. After summer we'll start a different step of our lives and I'm really looking forward for it, although I will miss a lot ESO. 

 When I think of this four years in the high school, I just can remember good things, the great people I've met, many special moments, of course stressing days! but over all, ESO has been one of the best experiences in my life. 

Bye bye ESO!

diumenge, 9 de juny del 2013

the following

"The following" is a punchy exciting television drama series that narrates the story of an FBI's adviser who helps hunting a very dangerous man who escaped from prison and founded a wealthy and agressive sect that is brain-washed and does whatever he wants. His objective is to kidnap his son, reescape from a high security prison and kill his ex-wife. To do it, his "servants" obey his orders and run his complicated plans avoiding the FBI and killing several people by their way.

This amazing serie that came on spanish TV about four weeks ago, is so exciting that keeps you awake everey second until credits appear. It's on TV on Wednesdays and in my opinion it's different of all investigation series, reaching one of the best places in my presonal "TV ranking".

If you have the chance to watch it, believe me, don't miss it!

PS: look for some info about Edgar Allan Poe before watching it, you'll enjoy it more!


Tic tac, tic tac, tic... Time's running and every second we're nearer to summer!

Although it doesen't look like summer because of the weather, in two weeks we're finishing school. I like going to school but I'm looking forward for summer more than any year because just a few days after classes I'm going to Ireland!!! I'm very excited to return there, I went to Ireland last year with Nil and this year we're going again with another friend of mine, Marcel. And there's more: we have arranged to meet some italian and polish friends we met last year.

I love summer, it is one of that seasons that you want them to arrive and last forever. However, this year I'll be happy to start school again in September because I'm starting Batxillerat, a new period, a new class, and something very different from ESO. I have to admit that I'm a little scared of Batxillerat because everyone says that it is very difficult, but any way I'm excited to start Batxillerat and leave ESO... But there's also that feeling of missing something before finishing it, because there will be some people who won't study Batxillerat and it is possible to stop seeing them.

I'll tell you about Batxillerat in September!

divendres, 7 de juny del 2013

education is the key

Suli Breaks speaks about education and says: Education is the key, but schl is the lock.
Do you agree with that? I half do and half don't.
I agree that education is essential for society and to create a better world, have a good future, etc. However, I totally disagree with the sentence that school is the lock! Perhaps sometimes it is too much rigid or you're told to do things that you really wouldn't do, but I honestly think that we do need schools. Of course the system could be improved, but it isn't so terrible! I do like going to school and my cousin, who is studying medicine (which is not exactly an easy grade), always tells me how interesting and exciting is going to university. So this makes me think that Breaks can have a great opinion and be very persuasive, but I don't agree with all he says.

What do you think?

a genius

The British girl Neha Ramu, original from Bangalore has scored the maximum IQ level possible, even more than Stephen Hawking!

As you know, an IQ test is used to rate the intelligence and the normal result is about 90-109 but Neha got a 162, what is considered a genius. 

She explains that she doesn't feel clever, just very curious and I think this is quite modest, considering her amazing capacity. On the video she says that her dream is to never stop studying and a very sensible comment she does is that if you don't use all that capacity that's given to you it is just like you don't have it so that's why she wants to study all that stuff. Her family didn't realize about her intelligence until recent years, when she started to show an intellectual giftedness.

Here there's the video of the new so you can meet Neha.

dijous, 6 de juny del 2013

crazy day

Have you ever had that feeling that you're exhausted but you wanna continue doing something? So yesterday I did.

I started the day at six o'clock, one hour before than normally, because my parents had to be in BCN at nine, so they took me to school at seven. The only thing I could do there was waiting, so I waited my way: I sat on a sunny bench and read a book until Jana came behind me and shouted on my ear...

After a typical schooldays I went to the sailing center in st. Pere, where a fantastic wind was waiting for me, so I couldn't choose: I had to sail! However, I didn''t sail for many hours because I had to study for a Spanish exam I've done today (I think I'll pass it well). After studying, my parents and I went again to "fluvià-gola" where we took our paddles and rowed up to the town. Then, we returned and for our surprise it was ten pm! We had to hurry and go home quickly because we wanted to see an amazing TV serial that it's on channel six.

I really enjoyed that crazy day, a little stressing but relaxing at the same time:) 

I wanted to share a photo of yesterday, but we didn't take any, so I show you a picture taken a few weeks ago on a trip we did in Empuriabrava.


After a long long winter summer is already here!
As you can imagine, everyone was waiting for it, waiting for the sun, for hot weather, beach... and of  course its wind!
Yesterday I did one of the firsts sessions without the thick wetsuit and it was fantastic: warm wind, warm water... oh! I forgot, have I ever told you that I also do windsurfing and kitesurfing? Although I only practise them in summer because in winter I have the sailing competitions and I don't have enough time for all.
Right now I'm at Jana's house, enjoying the weather and sunbathing  (getting ready for the beach heheh) and I thought that I could write a post to tell you how relaxed am I chatting with Jana and Nuria. However, they started to read a book a few minutes ago, so that's why I'm writing instead of talking...

dimecres, 8 de maig del 2013


Do you remember EDcanvas? I tried to post this canvas a few weeks ago but I couldn't and now I've found it an I've decided to post it . It is about Romeo and Juliet. Enjoy it!

Romeo and Juliet

dimarts, 7 de maig del 2013

my photo

This is a photo of Pau and me sailing taken in Vilagacia d'Arousa during the Spanish championship. In the center you can see Pau hanging from the trapeze and just behind him there's me steering. On te left top there's our boat and the sails. On the background there is a boat racing against us and you can see two more 420 on the right side. Also on the right side, but forward, there's the arrival boat. The sea looks a little messy and the wind strong but not too much. 

I like this photo because it's very dynamic and of course because there's me sailing and I don't really have a lot of photos sailing. Also because it's cool and I think that I look very concentrated (I didn't realize that there was somebody taking a photo of me). My favorite part of the photo is that you can see how is a sailing day with wind, and all the sails together are very beautiful.

However it is also useful to see what do I have to improve, for example you can see that the small sail on the left is a little bit curved by the spinnaker pole. I can also see that both Pau as I have to hang more straightly so we could manage the boat better.

Anyway, I like the photo and I have to say that it is my profile picture on Facebook.

divendres, 12 d’abril del 2013

class dialogue

Ths is an invented dialogue between a teacher and  a student that takes place in the first hour of the day.
Online recording software >>

dijous, 7 de març del 2013

feel like summer!

Just two days ago I lakes about the awful weather that was making me become so sad... but now the storm has leaved and Spring is arriving at last. I'm getting so happy! The day is light almost until seven and the temperature is getting higher. And this reminds me that Summer comes after Spring! And this Summer I'm going to Ireland for two weeks :) 

Last year I went there for seven days, and they were the best in Summer. So I've decided to return there and this time, for two weeks! I'll go with Nil, as last year, but probably with another friend Marcel. And I have to say that we've arranged the dates to meet there our italian friends and Zosia, the polish one. We're so excited to see them again, and also very happy to continue learning surf, spoken English and of course having a loooot of fun.
I hope this year we will meet a lot of new people and trip to wonderful places such as cliffs and amazing landscapes. I know that it is impossible to repeat last year's experience, so I'm wondering to make it even better, meeting new friends, learning new things and going to different places. 

At last I just want to tell you that if you have the chance to travel abroad, don't think it twice! It is incredible. And it is as easy as looking for interesting trips around Europe in the network!!

keep sailing...

This is the third post about sailing, and it won't be the last one. My intention is to keep you in contact with my sailing experience. Today I'm going to talk about the racing calendar. 

At first it could seem very hard, because I have only a free weekend a month. But once you're in, you don't need a pause, you want more and more. 

Nowadays I have about two training weekends per month and a race. However, we have several races which last for two weekends like the catalonian championship, which was this two last weekends, or the spanish championship which lasts four consecutive days. This weekend I went to the second part of the catalonian championship, and I did it quite well (in my opinion). It was a hard race. Specially last Saturday, which was windy and super cold. The wind was completely frozen and the sea even more. 

But... now that the exams have already passed I have time to think of the future, and in two weeks I'm going to Villa García d'Arousa to compete in the nation championship. It lasts for four days, but we're going there a few earlier to train and pass the material controls. So we're going at least eight days, two for journeys and six for sailing. I'm very excited because it is the first long race I'm going to without parents, with plane and... a lot of friends! It sound great. :)

Well, I'll explain that race once being there and I will tell you all the details! ;)

dijous, 28 de febrer del 2013

Be careful with your tongue!

This week seems to be the hardest in winter. The weather's awful, we have plenty of exams and works and there's nothing to do outside. Luckily I can go sailing in the weekend and relax (or suffer), but as I know that there's so many people who don't have this kind of motivations, I challenge you to do something.

At first it could look ridiculous, but it is really funny: try to read this poem clearly as fast as you can. When I did it I couldn't stop laughing for minutes... It is very difficult!! (at least for me) ;) Well, I'm probably boring you and I don't want to, so start reading the poem!!

Whether the weather be fine,
Or whether the weather be not,
Whether the weather be cold,
Or whether the weather be hot,
We'll weather the weather
Whatever the weather,
Whether we like it or not!

I've also found the hardest tongue twister I've ever seen... It is even hard to remember!!

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, where are the pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?” 

dimarts, 26 de febrer del 2013

Technological addiction

I ask you to think about one thing for a while: how many electronic devices have you got in your home?

Mostly of you have more than five. It is normal, but... necessary? 

Nowadays all of us have almost a TV, a computer, a mobile phone, a radio... We live between thousands of electronic devices. It is in our lifestyle to use them daily, but do we really need them? Of course we need them, but we could try to use all this devices less, and nothing would happen. Because we don't live to use them, they exist to help us living! 

A few years ago, we couldn't speak instantly with our friends, we had to send an SMS and wait for the answer. If someone used that service more than needed, he would pay a fortune. But now we're able to speak with anyone, anywhere and anytime. And this is affecting our social relations. A lot of people, mostly teenagers, doesn't look at your face when you're speaking with them because they're answering a message of another friend. But when they're with that friend they could be speaking with you, and wouldn't look at their partner's eyes. 

I think we should use less our devices and attend more to our social life, and use the instant message service when we're not able to speak with anyone. This way we'll keep our friends closer and our "electronic affairs" further.

dimarts, 29 de gener del 2013

Sail, train, enjoy.

I've already done a post about sailing, but I would like to show you some more things. Every weekend I go training to Blanes or somewhere to compete in a race. This weekend I trained at nine o'clock with my team, because the winter wind in Blanes is quite strange, and if you want to sail, you have to wake up very early. As I know that sailing is an uncommon sport, I'll show you a short resume of how is a training day. You'll see that this Sunday (when I shot the videos) we had soft wind and flat water. These are great conditions to practice tags and jibes, and also velocity against other boats. I also have to tell you that it's been a short time that I'm sailing with this class of boat, so I still have to train a lot... Anyway, it is a good video to figure out how is training a sport such different as from we're used to see in television. I hope you enjoy it! ;)

Ho hey

Ho hey is a love song by The Lumineers. It explains the story of a boy who loves a girl. They were together, but now she has left him and he wants to be with her again. The problem is that the girl is now with another man, but the singer believes that she would be better with him, starting over again.

I like this song for its sound, but also for its lyrics. I think it is very beautiful and something that seldom happens in real life. It is romantic, and has a very good feeling! Enjoy it. 

dimecres, 16 de gener del 2013

Les Misérables

Before reading this post you should know that I love cinema. I go to the cinema almost every week, normally on Fridays with my friends or on Sundays with my parents. I've seen a lot of movies and each one is new story to live and imagine... The last movie I've seen is quite special, it is a sung movie, Les Misérables. 

It is about a man called Jan Valjean, who escape from the law and start a new life far from Paris. He soon become an important man and the mayor of a town. Then he meets Fantine, a young and poor woman who asks him to save her daughter just a few hours before dying. He obviously takes the little girl and races her as his daughter. Some years later he returns to Paris and there, Cosette (the girl) meets Marius, a young man who's fighting for people's freedom in the capital. They fall in love and after a lot of exciting scenes, they can live together... But I won't tell you the end of the story because then you wouldn't enjoy the movie in case you watch it!

I definitely thing it is an Alan Hooper's masterpiece. This film is awesome! After more than two hours singing, when you see The end, you're still wanting more and more of that moving story. I have to admit that I was about to cry when we left the cinema... The music is great and the way the characters express themselves singing, is even more powerful than just speaking. By the way, it is spoken in English! 

Well, to finish I only have to say that if you like cinema, you can't afford to miss this film.

divendres, 11 de gener del 2013

New year resolutions 2013

Wow! The 21st December has passed and we're still here and alive! So... This is 2013 :) Happy new year to all of you.

Like every year, this year I've made my New Year's resolutions... Since I never achieve any of them, this year I've been more realistic, and they aren't hard to achieve:

  • I will improve my handwriting: look, I have an awful handwriting. I don't expect to have the best handwriting ever, but I would like that when I'm writing something, people don't have to ask me -what does that say??- 
  • I will learn to speak German properly: I'm learning German since this summer, and by the moment I can have an stupid conversation, you know... like presenting myself, asking something... I can also move in a city as a tourist with no problems, but I would like to have a fluid conversation with someone.
  • I will also improve my English skills, and for that, I'll travel to Ireland in summer, and some things more...
I've also planned some things more, but less important...