divendres, 18 d’octubre del 2013

ads, ads and more ads!

Have you ever found yourself changing TV channels non-stop and being able to watch two soaps at the time? I have, and it is terribly annoying. Maybe it is not the same in your country, but in Spain you have to keep patient if you want to follow a complete episode of any program.

At first, they allow you to watch a few minutes and get stuck to the plot. But when things really start to happen, they give you an extra dose of advertisements long enough to make you lose faith and change channel! What’s curious is that you will soon find an interesting program that’s just about to finish. OK, perhaps I’m not the luckiest guy watching TV and there may be someone who’s got all the ads and programs schedules under control. However, if they’re able to switch channel and watch soap after soap (I think if this person exists, it must be a lonely, and bored, old person who spends the day sewing and swallowing Latin series) it is because there’s time enough of breaks to combine two programs in an afternoon.

Though I have to say that there are some really funny commercials, that worth it. Such as some moving and even disturbing ones… so you can comfort yourself thinking that there’s someone who does well his job behind this amount of advertisements. 

These are two commercials I really like, the second one is in spanish but it is maybe better not to understand what it says because it is disturbing... hope you enjoy them! 

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