dilluns, 27 d’octubre del 2014

is humour necessary?

To laugh or not to laugh... that's not a question!

Humour is an essential part of the human race that should never be questioned. Just like other feelings tha emerge from our heart spontaneously, like anger, joy or sadness, humour is present in our daily lives. Yet humour is noy only a feeling, but also a very powerful tool to be used in many ways: to overcome sadness, to socialize one or even to change the world.

We can expect many benefits of humour: to amuse us, to change our mood... but its best point is that it boosts our eagerness to live and it triggers a noticeable enhance of our health according to what scientists of Birmingham Univeristy stated as the conclusion of many years of research.

To sum up, we must always remember Stephen Hawking’s words: giving up on humour is giving ip on yourself.  

*this is fiction, any resemblance with reality is pure coincidence;)

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