dilluns, 10 de novembre del 2014

Catalonia overwhelmingly votes for independence from Spain in straw poll

"Catalonia overwhelmingly votes for independence from Spain in straw poll". This is how the NY Times titled the article about the 9N in Catalonia.

2,25 Million people voted yesterday in Catalonia in favor of Catalonia's independence from Spain. Catalonia's independence is an issue that has been one of the main preoccupations in Mariano Rajoy's legislature since in 2012 a massive demonstration in Barcelona claimed for independence. After a legal fight between the governments of Spain and Catalonia, the referendum that was due to be celebrated in Catalonia the ninth of November was declared illegal by the spanish. As promised in his  electoral campaign and pressured by catalan civil organizations, Mas (Catalonia's prime minister) convened a straw poll to demonstrate Catalonia's aims to vote and decide.

As I see it, Spanish government's attitude is absolutely antidemocratic and seems to be deaf in front of Catalonia's claim. This stance demonstrates a lack of consideration to the catalans, and, in my opinion, enhances catalans' hope for independence.

There's more to add: the constant propaganda against Catalonia that spanish media are promoting is creating a hate atmosphere amongst Spain. Furthermore, these media are choosing images for their covers that do not represent the Catalan movement AT ALL. 

In conclusion: as Catalan, I'd like the Spanish government to listen to us and start, at least, to debate instead of just ignoring every single movement of the catalan society. 

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