dissabte, 7 de juny del 2014


"Bullying is an undercovered problem that affects students but also teachers, and, in fact, our educational system" -Marie Desmond, teacher and mother-

It is well-known that bullying is present in most of the schools around the world, and despite of that, we still ignore it. Why? Because it is so difficult to fight that we are lazy to do it.

A kid suffering from bullying may be ashamed of telling (or most of times scared). Sometimes not even the victim knows that he/she's being bullied because the bullies seem to be his/her friends. There are a lot of different ways to do bulling. It can be physical, psychological or it can take the appearance of tasteless, aggressive jokes.

In my opinion, we must fight all kinds of bullying. If we erradicate bullying from schools our eductaional system will work better: students will be happier and more focused on their work. There will be a better environment at school. We must change the bullies by teaching them how perjudicial their behaviour can be and how their "funny" hobby transform others, how their victims suffer.

To sum up, bullying is a great problem we must vanish from schools.

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