dilluns, 27 d’octubre del 2014

drawing on humour for change

Humour can change the world. And so proves Liza Donelly with her talk

Women have always been at the base of our society, they race our children, and they're hard workers too. Unfortunately the role of women is not always the one they decide: women are influenced by their families, by their friends, teachers, neighbours, media... women are influenced by society since they're born to play the exact role they're ment to.

After growing up surrounded by the feminist movement, Liza decided to turn her passion, drawing, into a way of changing the world. Nowadays, her witty humour inspires us on newspapers and magazines.

In my opinion Liza was really brave to step out of the box and express her feelings by drawing, and the fact that she claims for a better world, where equality and human rights are reclaims belonging to the past, makes her a current hero.

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