dijous, 7 de març del 2013

keep sailing...

This is the third post about sailing, and it won't be the last one. My intention is to keep you in contact with my sailing experience. Today I'm going to talk about the racing calendar. 

At first it could seem very hard, because I have only a free weekend a month. But once you're in, you don't need a pause, you want more and more. 

Nowadays I have about two training weekends per month and a race. However, we have several races which last for two weekends like the catalonian championship, which was this two last weekends, or the spanish championship which lasts four consecutive days. This weekend I went to the second part of the catalonian championship, and I did it quite well (in my opinion). It was a hard race. Specially last Saturday, which was windy and super cold. The wind was completely frozen and the sea even more. 

But... now that the exams have already passed I have time to think of the future, and in two weeks I'm going to Villa García d'Arousa to compete in the nation championship. It lasts for four days, but we're going there a few earlier to train and pass the material controls. So we're going at least eight days, two for journeys and six for sailing. I'm very excited because it is the first long race I'm going to without parents, with plane and... a lot of friends! It sound great. :)

Well, I'll explain that race once being there and I will tell you all the details! ;)

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