dijous, 27 de març del 2014

swim, swam, swum

I started swimming at the age of three and I went to classes until I was seven. Since then, I've always swum quite well, but just for fun.

This Autumn I decided to join a course again, to gain strength and (obviously) be a better swimmer. We started going on Fridays, but the thing is that now the coach has decided to form a club and the training days have increased to three per week. it may seem very tiring, in fact it is, but I really enjoy it! It is a kind of tiredness that is rewarding, that makes you feel great. 

On Tuesday we were learning butterfly stye, it is tough: I swallowed liters of water! However, I liked it.

By the moment I'm able to combine this with school, one hour of English, one and a half hour of German and sailing, but some days, if I have a lo of homework or I'm with exams, I must miss the class.

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