divendres, 7 de juny del 2013

education is the key

Suli Breaks speaks about education and says: Education is the key, but schl is the lock.
Do you agree with that? I half do and half don't.
I agree that education is essential for society and to create a better world, have a good future, etc. However, I totally disagree with the sentence that school is the lock! Perhaps sometimes it is too much rigid or you're told to do things that you really wouldn't do, but I honestly think that we do need schools. Of course the system could be improved, but it isn't so terrible! I do like going to school and my cousin, who is studying medicine (which is not exactly an easy grade), always tells me how interesting and exciting is going to university. So this makes me think that Breaks can have a great opinion and be very persuasive, but I don't agree with all he says.

What do you think?

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