Well... what can I say? ESO's gone so fast that I just can't believe it. We have lived so many different moments!
I remember my first day in the centre, when we arrived and we didn't know anything about our new class, the INS... they put us in a queue and just like the Harry Potter's selection ceremony with the hat, they shouted our names saying who was in each class. It seems like yesterday!
Now, four years have passed and we're just two days far from the end. Well, not exactly "the end", just a good bye for three months, but this good bye means a lot. After summer we'll start a different step of our lives and I'm really looking forward for it, although I will miss a lot ESO.
When I think of this four years in the high school, I just can remember good things, the great people I've met, many special moments, of course stressing days! but over all, ESO has been one of the best experiences in my life.
Bye bye ESO!