dijous, 13 de novembre del 2014

needle in haystack

Sven Sachsalber wants to prove the popular saying: as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack

The artist, known for his bizarre performances is to spend 48h looking for needle in a haystack, as part of his exposition in the "Palais de Tokyo" in Paris. The director of the museum hid the needle and the search will be "exposed" in one of the rooms of the Palais. It is due to last for about two days but the search will take as much time as Sachsalber needs to find the needle. 

Another recent strange performance of the artist is locking himself for 24h inside a room with a cow. 

It seems that today everything is considered as modern art... I'm not saying this performance is not art, though I'd rather name it challenge or spectacle to be shown in fast motion. I've always preferred classical art such as traditional paintings (including art nouveau and contemporary art such as Dali or Picasso) to this new way of understanding art... art is beauty and critics, this new wave of artists are mixing it with eccentricity and nonsense.

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