diumenge, 23 de febrer del 2014

uni 2

I told you I would tell you something as soon as possible. I'be already been to UdG and I've had my time to think about the excursion there... I have my conclusions:

1/ I'm going to study architecture, wherever.
2/ I wouldn't be unpleased to study it in Girona.
3/ I'm definetly not studing law.
4/ I'll try to avoid being into court (of course as an espectator) it is sooooo boring.

Perhaps I sound a bit extreme, I'll explain myself: we arrived at the uni about a quarter past nine, we had time to walk around and discover by ourselves the campus. At ten, architecture's introduction started. It was amazing, so challenging, thrilling and engaging. I went out of the room imagining me as an architect already! Then we visited the labs and the campus (now guided).

About law I have to say (please, lawyers, do not be angry with me) that I found it extremately boring and zero-creative, I guess that's because I've never been interested in that. The court simulation wasn't that dull, but I've had enough with that one:)

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